Peter Barton

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Peter Barton – Three Valleys

Peter is Chair of West and South Dorset Green Party and is a retired education adviser and teacher trainer. He has lived in Frampton, where he is a Parish Councillor, for twenty-one years. For many years, he held a senior position in Dorset County Council's schools support services. More recently he worked for UNICEF (the United Nations Children's Fund) as education officer for southern England. He is chair of trustees of DEED (Development Education in Dorset), a charity which provides training and resources to enable schools, local authorities and community organisations address issues of global poverty, justice and sustainability.

Peter says, “I joined the Green Party as I believe it is the only party that has the policies that will address the huge inequality in our society, reverse the privatisation of so many of our public services and tackle climate change.”

If elected, Peter will argue strongly for the reversal of the Council’s recent decision to drastically cut the subsidy for bus services.

Outside politics, Peter’s interests include gardening, music and cooking.