Uma Kumaran

Picture Labour Party

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Uma Kumaran
Twitter: @Uma_Kumaran
Telephone: 0208 427 2100


Harrow East, Uma Kumaran

Uma was raised in and still lives in her hometown of Harrow, having spent more than a decade campaigning on issues that affect the local community.

Uma works for a pioneering inner city Council implementing some of the Labour’s flagship policies that are making a real difference to everyday lives. Her career includes working for the NHS supporting 66 trusts in England - she knows first-hand the pressures facing nurses and doctors around the country. She has also worked as a local constituency caseworker and as policy researcher for a minister in the last Labour Government.

Uma was born in London to Tamil parents who fled to Britain in the midst of a civil war. With the help of a Labour MP, they settled in Harrow and worked hard to rebuild their lives. Uma is proud to have grown up and studied in a borough that she calls a shining example of multiculturalism and has said she entered politics to make a difference to the lives of the community she grew up in and grew up with. She was educated in Harrow’s local state schools: Newton Farm Primary, Bentley Wood Girl’s School and finally St Dominic’s Sixth Form.

Uma is a school governor and a volunteer Radio presenter and producer for Harrow’s local Hospital Northwick Park.

A seasoned campaigner, Uma has worked on and led campaigns across London including two London Mayoral campaigns, crucial by-elections and national and local elections. She is committed trade unionist and has a strong track record of campaigning to defend the rights of workers.

Uma is passionate about the protection of our emergency services and has been a vocal critic of Fire station closures in and around London. Having worked for the NHS, Uma continues to be one of its dedicated defenders and was on the frontline of a successful campaign to save a local A&E department.

Uma has a BA in Politics, an MSc in Public Policy and speaks 4 languages.