Siobhan Tate

Picture Labour Party

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Siobhan Tate
Facebook: Siobhan4candw
Telephone: 07899 901082


Carshalton and Wallington, Siobhan Tate

As a secondary school Head of Art, Siobhan’s job has been to bridge the achievement gap. Listening to her sixth formers talk about their aspirations, she sees not just a few obstacles but a massive and increasing chasm as their stepping stones to success are being taken away.

Siobhan is only in a position to stand for Carshalton and Wallington because throughout the 5 years she cared for her terminally ill son and then, when her husband broke his spine one year into setting up a business, the Labour government had structures in place to help individuals progress.

Going from working in mental health, to the classroom and to listening on the doorstep, Siobhan sees the achievement traps people face. It’s not just a lack of education and money but real structural disadvantage such as insecure housing, inequality in health care and regional differences in infrastructure like transport.

These are the gaps Siobhan will help the people of Carshalton and Wallington to bridge. Alongside education, health and well-being, Siobhan’s priorities are investment in housing and the other infrastructure that will gear-up Carshalton and Wallington’s most valuable resource: our people and communities.