Gregory Thomas Mulholland

Picture Liberal Democrats

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Gregory Thomas Mulholland
Wainwright House,
12 Holt Park Centre,
Holt Road,
LS16 7SR
United Kingdom
Telephone: 0113 226 6519


Greg Mulholland MP
MP for Leeds North West

Greg Mulholland has been MP for Leeds North West since 2005.

Greg developed an interest in politics through his father John, a former Liberal councillor and Parliamentary candidate. Greg took A-level Politics before going to the University of York, where he got a degree in Politics and a Masters in Public Administration and Public Policy. He then pursued a career in promotional marketing, working for a number of leading agencies before going into politics.

Greg was elected Councillor in Headingley ward in 2002. Whilst on the Council Greg served as Lead Member for Corporate Services and as the Leeds District Spokesperson for METRO.

In his spare time Greg enjoys walking, sport (especially rugby league, he is Vice President of the Leeds Rugby Foundation and captains the Political Animals team), rock and folk music and spending time with his wife and three daughters.

Record Of Delivery
Greg has a strong record of delivering for local people - as an MP, Greg has:

Been a leading figure in the campaign for the Leeds Children’s Heart Surgery and successfully pushed for the scrapping of the discredited Safe and Sustainable review and the resignation of Roger Boyle.
Organised two 5,000 strong petitions against ward closures at Wharfedale Hospital and forced health bosses to apologise for the way they treated the public. Set up the community ‘Support Wharfedale Hospital’ campaign.
Led a successful campaign to keep Otley Police Station open to the public.
Led the victorious campaign to cut the speed limit Moorland Road/Occupation in Bramhope and was given an award by road safety charity BRAKE for this.
Succeeded in getting the Council to save Behind Closed Doors, local domestic violence charity.
Facilitated meeting between police, universities and unions that led to partnership working over student crime, supporting the Knowledge campaign.
Helped win Council backing for the ‘HEART’ community centre in Headingley.
Has raised over £10,000 for local charities by completing the Carnegie 126 Mile Challenge in 2009 and the Jane Tomlinson Anniversary Challenge in 2012.
Greg is currently campaigning to support local businesses and the creation of jobs in his constituency as part of the Liberal Democrat pledge to create one million new private sector jobs in order to boost economic recovery.
Parliamentary Experience
Greg has a record of powerful campaigning in Parliament, taking up constituency and regional issues as well as a number of causes. Greg has received three national campaigning MP for the year awards, one from BRAKE and two from CAMRA and was nominated for Channel 4 Political Awards as ‘Campaigning Politician of the Year’.

In particular Greg has:

Has successfully campaigned for a review of the law and sentencing on dangerous/criminal driving and road safety measures, working with BRAKE and the Otley based Jamie Still Campaign.
Successfully campaigned to save Leeds man Mirza Tahir Hussain from death row in Pakistan.
Led a successful campaign with NUS and Unipol to increase the number of students covered by the deposit protection scheme
Led the successful campaign for Leeds Arena in parliament.
Campaigned successfully to stop the unfair deportation of Enid Ruhango, Ali Pourkaberian and Rosaline Akhalu.
Has led the fight in parliament against ‘landbanking’ firms and helped shut several firms down.
Greg leads the national campaign to save pubs in parliament, got the law changed on wine glass sizes and co-led the campaign in Parliament that secured the abolished the Beer Duty Escalator. Greg also leads the national campaign for pubco reform, as Coordinator of the Fair Deal for Your Local campaign having successfully campaigned for the Government to launch a consultation in January 2013.
Greg has previously been the Party spokesperson for International Development, Schools and Health and Co-Chair on the Liberal Democrat DWP Backbench Committee. Greg is a member of the Public Administration Select Committee since 2010 having been on the Work and Pensions committee 2005-2010.